
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

here it goes....

so as i fall into what i would assume to call my "daily routine", i've come to the conclusion that i should fall into the blogging craze. not b/c it's a fad, i just think i have an interesting/funny life, so why not blog it....

my name is Christina, im a 25 yr. old Nuyrorican, living in the Bronx (NY). Even though I've lived in the BX my entire life...i DO NOT LOVE the Yankee's. I have my B.A. in Art History, alumni of Queens College & until now, retail was the majority of my work experience, with the occasional internship at a museum or two.
I'm currently working for the F.E.G.S. WeCare program. as you ask "what is that?"'s a welfare to work program. my postion is techinically the middle person between the office & the clinic. what a randomn career choice, i know. For awhile i was under the illusion that "duh i have a degree, of course i'm going to get a job" !!incorrect!!

I've realized that things just dont happen in a snap, it takes progression
, you need a plan. So, here I am, with a big girl job, with salary & benefits, & even life insurance! My long term plan, F.E.G.S. actually has an art center, it deals with art therapy & rehab.
So there it is, to hopefully be working in that center. I give it a year, although at times I feel like I wanna pull my hair out with my current position.....
Even though this isnt my passion, gotta be hopeful that at some point, i'll get there.

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