
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Role Reversal Much

so i've been noticing for for quite some time now that the roles in relationships has changed. The men nowadays are looking for long term, meaningful relationships whereas the women , just dont give a damn about them anymore. lol
Not saying that the genuine interest for one isnt there, but I think women are over the hype. So either they're out there doing them & focusing on bettering themselves OR they went through the relationship & saw it wasnt what it was cracked out to be. Whereas the men, i can only assume, went through the test & trials, meaningless sex, party times & what not, & now realize, that said life isnt as fun as it seems. that they rather have something meaningful to hold onto.
i just find it funny b/c i remember way back when, in high school, all the boys strutting around like alpha males looking for mates, while the girls fawned all over them. very interesting how the times have changed.
my own experience...i did the relationship thing & single now. so im just focusing on myself. working, saving money, just enjoying life & me-time. not saying that i dont want to be in-love, get married & have a kid, but, im just not dead-set on it anymore, if it happens it happens. I dont want to be in another relationship, i dont want to dedicate time into someone else, i want the option to walk away, i want to have fun & not be deal with "i called u, y didnt u pick up" stuff. i just wanna do me.
I think thats what alot of girls are experiencing, & theres nothing wrong with that. welcome to our world gentlemen. lol

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

here it goes....

so as i fall into what i would assume to call my "daily routine", i've come to the conclusion that i should fall into the blogging craze. not b/c it's a fad, i just think i have an interesting/funny life, so why not blog it....

my name is Christina, im a 25 yr. old Nuyrorican, living in the Bronx (NY). Even though I've lived in the BX my entire life...i DO NOT LOVE the Yankee's. I have my B.A. in Art History, alumni of Queens College & until now, retail was the majority of my work experience, with the occasional internship at a museum or two.
I'm currently working for the F.E.G.S. WeCare program. as you ask "what is that?"'s a welfare to work program. my postion is techinically the middle person between the office & the clinic. what a randomn career choice, i know. For awhile i was under the illusion that "duh i have a degree, of course i'm going to get a job" !!incorrect!!

I've realized that things just dont happen in a snap, it takes progression
, you need a plan. So, here I am, with a big girl job, with salary & benefits, & even life insurance! My long term plan, F.E.G.S. actually has an art center, it deals with art therapy & rehab.
So there it is, to hopefully be working in that center. I give it a year, although at times I feel like I wanna pull my hair out with my current position.....
Even though this isnt my passion, gotta be hopeful that at some point, i'll get there.