A fabulous birthday indeed. Saturday night was an absolute blast. My home-wrecker assemble was a success. However, 4 inch heels, not so much for dancing the night away. Something I was fully aware of, but wanted to be a fool & do it anyways.
I danced the night away, running into all sorts of people I knew the entire night. It was great!!! I randomly danced whenever my feet stopped throbbing, while my BFF & cousin sat in our claimed corner, criticizing any club-goer that unfortunately walked past them. lol The annual BFF shot took place 12am-ish to initiate the night of debauchery, then after that, th drink of choice was H2O. Sorry...I wanted to remember the evening & we all know I'm a light-weight. The designated "porno pole" was always fun to watch. We all just watched in amazement as numerous random couples would just claim the pole to basically reenact their own version of a soft porn. At one point we actually thought 1 set was a couple.....alas it was not, b/c sure enough, dude was humping the next chick soon after.
I went home with my dates for the evening, my Chilean gypsy bff & the dancing Nubian princess. Sadly, the one actual drink I decided to have at 3am kicked in on the cab ride home. Oh well, it'll suffice as a nightcap.
The morning began with what I can only describe as my own personal heat wave. At first I thought it was b/c the room itself was hot, so I threw the blankets off to try to cool down. My BFF was moving about opening windows & doors to try to cool the room down. We both stayed in bed till about noon, when we finally figured out that it wasn't in fact the room that was hot. IT WAS MY BFF!! She had a fever & was giving off heat like a mini-volcano. She was now an incubus of hazardous material. lol Apparently her flu vaccine went wrong & got her sick.
So off I went to have my birthday dinner with my parents at the glorious Pio Pio. A Peruvian heaven of yummalicious food! Unfortunately it was too late for my immune system, & I contracted a small dose of the flu. But no worries, I told myself tostones were the cure, so i dug right in! lol My parents had told the host that it was my birthday, so towards the end, they brought out my bday "tres leche" cake, while blasting "cumpleanos feliz" on the restaurant sound system, while flicking the lights on & off.....I'm assuming for theatrics. lol FUN....but embarrassing......but still fun!!
I spent the rest of the evening at a friends house, enjoying some Discovery Channel of the Alaskan snow birds & wolves. & towards the end, passed out on the couch while my fever broke.
At work, my co-workers & the director surprised me at the end of the day with THREE birthday cakes, that's rights 3!!!! lol AND my vacation time was approved for Costa Rica !!
An awesome bday indeed.......